Once loaded in, use the arrow keys to select one of the default generic characters and hit enter, then click create. You can have 6 different characters in total. If you see the TokoVoip box telling you it’s offline, go into TeamSpeak, click Plugins>TokoVoip>Connect. It should connect in a few seconds and the box will disappear. Fill out the register box with your name, age (must be 18+), height, and gender and click Create.

Time to pick your character’s clothing! You can rotate your character with the A and D button, or right click to toggle between that and free camera mode. The Clothing tab has your Clothing and Hair options, Accessories has secondary clothing items and PED has additional Model and Face options. Please note, if you choose to use a ped model, they have limited clothing options while the default model has the full range. To change back to the default model, use male or female option 1.

The Hat, Glasses and Shirt button toggle removing those items so you can see your character without them. The Face, Torso and Legs button change your camera view to a close up of that section. When you are happy with your choices, hit ESC and save changes. You’ll be able to change your clothing and save outfits anytime at a clothing store.

Next is the face creator. In the Parents tab, you can mix a total of three faces for a unique look. Use the sliders to adjust the amount of the mix. The Face tab gives you eye color and further individual feature adjustment slides. You can also add Skin, Hair and Makeup options from their respective tabs. When you are happy with your choices, hit ESC and save changes. You’ll be able to change these options anytime at a barber shop. Congratulations! You’re now ready to explore the city!